Friday, May 7, 2010

Hiking 2 --계룡산(鷄龍山)

Date : 5/5/2010--South Korea Children's Day
Time : 1pm
Venue : 계룡산

Well, u all can see my previous post-Hiking
now, i post about hiking again..
i wonder why korean like hiking...
maybe they think this is healthy lifestyle..
maybe can maintain each other relationship...
or maybe relax their mind...
my korean friend can't give me an exact answer...@@
At South Korea, 5 May is children's day
although i am not a children anymore,
that day is consider public holiday---don't have lecture!!
Bohwa Kang(a very kind Korean friend) plan hiking with us...
As i know, this place is not located at Daejeon..
we use around 1 hour to go there by bus..
and this place is under protect by their government..
Here the entrance of the place

With Star and Jacob

a wishing tree again..
this time is arrange the stone and make a wish..

Some View there


Buddha Day coming soon~~

Start Hiking...
so many stone..

At last, reach the peak..
can't believe i reached~~~xD

Yeah, we reached!!

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